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The Brand Identity Design Course
Course Introduction (7:42)
Course Downloads
How To Build Creative Confidence
Introduction (1:00)
What Kind Of Designer Do You Want To Be? (10:22)
An Honest Evolution Of Made By James (10:10)
Five Ways To Build Creative Confidence (10:37)
Success Leaves Clues. Find Your Icons. (9:04)
Building Time Into Your Week For Personal Development (7:31)
So WTF Is Brand Identity?
Introduction (0:42)
What Is Brand Identity and Why Is It Important? (8:10)
Why I Bother With This Process (9:48)
Who The Fuck Is Brand Identity For? (4:05)
The Brand Story
Introduction (0:57)
What Is Brand Story and Why Is It Important? (9:45)
How Story Dictates The Positioning Of A Brand (10:26)
What Is Your Brand Story? (1:59)
Toms - Brand Story Audit (1:57)
The Brand Personality
Introduction (0:47)
What Is Brand Personality and Why Is It Important? (11:53)
The Psychology Behind Brand Personality (5:41)
What Is Your Brand Personality? (1:34)
Liquid Death - Brand Personality Audit (2:27)
The Brand Name
Introduction (1:03)
What Is The Brand Name and Why Is It Important? (7:26)
What Do You Do If A Client Needs Help Naming? (6:50)
What To Do If Your Client Has A Shit Name!? (5:06)
Does Your Brand Name Work? (2:16)
Gorilla - Brand Name Audit (1:45)
The Services / Products
Introduction (0:46)
Why Products and Services Matter! (5:55)
How About Some Light Competitor Analysis? (6:52)
What Makes You Different? (1:24)
Apple - Brand Name Audit (2:51)
Verbal Identity
Introduction (0:49)
What Is The Verbal Identity? Why Is Verbal Identity Important? (7:04)
The Voice Pillars (8:57)
How Do You Communicate Your Voice? (2:39)
Who Gives A Crap - Verbal Identity Audit (2:59)
Visual Identity
Introduction (2:05)
What Is The Visual Identity? Why Is It Important? (7:33)
Visual Design Systems (7:11)
The Key Considerations When It Comes To Visual Identity (12:25)
Does Your Visual Identity Need Some Refinement? (2:25)
Oatly - Visual Identity Audit (3:41)
Why all this matters
Introduction (0:56)
How Does This Information Help Our Clients? (3:32)
How Does This Information Help Us Designers? (6:11)
Reach Out To Three Of Your Favourite Clients (1:53)
My Personal Process
Introduction (1:31)
My Entire Process (An Overview) (10:54)
The Gather Process (19:32)
The Whittle Process (7:55)
The Ignite Process (10:41)
The Presentation Process (5:11)
The Client Execution Process (6:21)
Real World Case study
Introduction (1:49)
Wilden Gather (15:44)
Wilden Whittle (13:53)
Wilden Ignite (25:17)
Wilden Presentation (14:55)
Timmy Shot Me
Introduction (2:35)
Timmy Shot Me Client Call (99:21)
The End Is Here
Thank You (2:41)
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