The Design Industry Playbook

A No-Nonsense Guide to Help You Thrive With Clients and Without Them

Only $99 when you buy through October 23 (Save $100)

Watch this brief overview...

Only $99 when you buy through October 23 (Save $100)
Material goes live on October 24th

10 years ago, I was right where you might be now.
I was unsure, overwhelmed, and had no clue how to stand out in the crowded design world.

I started to lose my creative senses and always felt in survival mode. (I still do some days - haha)

The turning point for me? Realising the real secret to a fulfilling career is learning to thrive with and without clients. That’s when everything changed and I have never looked back.

Today, I’m creative partner at Lincoln Design Co. where the badass team smashes work for the likes of Disney, Nike, and Netflix. I’ve published a book on creativity, speak on stages across the globe, and have built an online community of over a million humans.

In this course, I’ll teach you everything you need to design your own way.

Only $99 when you buy through October 23 (Save $100)
Material goes live on October 24th

The Design Industry Playbook: 

For Designers wanting to thrive in tomorrow’s design world

Build a sustainable, successful design business that helps you stand out. This course empowers graphic designers to master both creativity for themselves (Creative Offense) and their clients (Creative Defense).

I will help you remove yourself from the sea of sameness and create more opportunities for your business.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

🔥 Learn to consistently generate and communicate brilliant ideas.

🔥 Build unshakable business foundations that protect your time and profits.

🔥 Streamline your client process for smooth, efficient projects.

🔥 Confidently sell your value and communicate your impact.

🔥 Attract and retain clients with exceptional service and relationships.

🔥 Create your own brand that stands out and attracts the right clients.

🔥 Grow your social media presence and engage your audience effectively.

🔥 Find time for personal projects that fuel creativity and income.

I believe that:


The Playbook packs in all the techniques, tricks, and real-world insights I’ve used to carve out my career. It’s your guide to charting your own course in this crazy design world.


You know what makes your creativity tick—even if you haven’t fully realized it yet. The Playbook will help you hone your craft and show you that your creative instincts are your superpower.


You don’t need to follow a one-size-fits-all formula. The Playbook provides the framework to unlock your potential and help you design your own path, using the lessons, methods, and truths from my journey.

Super kind words from people I admire…

Kristy Campbell

“James Martin has quickly become of the the most powerful, honest and boldly transparent industry leaders through his knowledge, skills, network and vulnerability. Not only does he educate the entire design community but he inspires, cares for and supports us all in our journeys! One of a kind.” 

Dan Janssen

“James, is not only a friend, but a partner in design. It wasn't enough for him to create an amazing branding studio, he then had to task himself with taking over the design education world. When James does something he does it different, that's what I love about him. He doesn't follow he creates his own path. He is offering a top notch systems that designers of all levels can learn from and understand. It's based on authenticity and real world experience, with a no bull shit approach.”

Cj Cawley

“James is truly on a mission to educate and arm the new generation of designers with the knowledge and tools they actually need to transform their creativity into a healthy and sustainable career. Who better to lead that mission than a designer who began his journey working fiercely local before becoming a creative partner at one of the world's most kickass design agencies? My mate James, of course.”

Radim Malinic

“James Martin is one of the few rare beings in our industry who cares about the future of our creativity. He moves with his heart, which connects with other minds. He is endlessly generous with his time and wisdom and selfless with advice that changes courses of many lives and careers, inspiring all of us to do and make better.”

James Barnard

“Not only does MBJ boast a ludicrous portfolio of world-class logo designs, his handle over the business and strategy side of the design industry makes him a unicorn (albeit a hairy one). I'll always consider James a mentor, and I'm forever grateful for all he contributes to our community.”

Lisa Quine

“James has the most authentic voice out there. Not only does he produce top notch work consistently, he also produces top notch advice consistently. He makes a wealth of knowledge accessible for anyone interested in bettering their creative game. Big brain, big heart. In a sea of influencer-types, he's always stood out as a talented dude that wants to help creatives do their best too. I personally have benefited from the design hacks, branding inspiration, and daily posts on LinkedIn. CLOSE THE GAP! He'll show you how. ❤️”

Only $99 when you buy through October 23 (Save $100)
Material goes live on October 24th

Reviews from Humans Who are Actioning the Info in the Playbook:

Watch Brad's story...

Watch Cecilia's story...

You’ll also get all these goodies!

You'll get access to these goodies when the course goes live on Oct 24

  • MBJ font collection
  • Pitch decks
  • SOW’s
  • Terms & Condition templates
  • NDA’s
  • Sub-Contrator agreements
  • Copyright transfer docs
  • IP guides
  • 40 page brand guidelines template
  • 1 page identity guidelines sheet
  • Short form proposal template
  • Long form proposal template
  • Client questionnaire document
  • Client call guide documentation
  • Business & personal budget sheet templates
  • Pricing guide sheet
  • Logo style reference sheet


The Playbook Has 4 Main Sections:

1. The 4 Pillars that Make a Complete Designer

You’ll explore the essential pillars that every designer needs to succeed. These core areas will help you create a well-rounded design career, ensuring growth and stability.

2. Creative Defense - A Designer’s Guide to Attracting, Retaining, and Thriving with Clients

With this module, you’ll set boundaries, create epic client experiences, execute super smooth projects, and run your business like a badass pro—without running yourself into the ground.

3. Creative Offense - A Designer’s Guide to Owning Your Creativity and Making Money Beyond Client Work

Balance the hustle of client work with building your own brand. Not only does this protect you from de-energising work, it also boosts your revenue streams so that you’re not just trading time for money. More creativity, more cash, more balance.

4. Trick Plays — Advanced Tactics to Scale Your Design Business

Learn advanced tactics to scale your design business, automate growth, master client networking, upsell through partnerships, and learn how to prepare for a job interview if the time ever calls for it.


(Expand the dropdown to see the entire course)

  Start here!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intro (You'll get this October 24th)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: The 4 Pillars That Make a Complete Designer (You'll get this October 24th)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Creative Defense (You'll get this October 24th)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Creative Offense (You'll get this October 24th)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Trick Plays (You'll get this November 21st)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Game Changers (You'll get this January 2025)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Skills to Pay the Bills (You'll get this October 24th)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Outro (You'll get this October 24th)
Available in days
days after you enroll

Only $99 when you buy through October 23 (Save $100)
Material goes live on October 24th

Easy to digest, fun to watch and 100% no-nonsense guaranteed.

Meet Your No-Nonsense Design Mentor...

Made By James (James Martin)

James Martin, better known as Made By James, is transforming the design education landscape with his rebellious creativity and relentless determination. He has dedicated 20 years of his life to achieving creative excellence, being sought after by clients for the impact his work has on businesses and the meticulously crafted experiences he delivers.

He now has one purpose: to build the best designers on the planet.

Through his real-world experience, he understands that to land your 'dream client,' you first need to become a 'dream designer.' The status quo within the design education space is focused solely on external outcomes, when the real focus should be on internal transformation. He knows if he can help designers become comfortable with the unpredictability of the real creative world, then the predictable stuff becomes even easier to manage.

His focus is as a mentor to designers, but he is also a best-selling author, public speaker, and creative partner at Lincoln Design Co., where the team works daily with the likes of Disney, Liquid Death, and Nike. He is dedicated to guiding the next generation of designers with action, honesty, and love, creating a future where designers and clients thrive together.

🔥 Enjoy lifetime access and a 14-day risk-free trial

I believe you’ll be amazed by the course, but if you’re not satisfied, I’ll refund your payment within 14 days of the course going live, no hassle. Enroll today with complete confidence.